Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Birthday My Son

It is my son's birthday today - Happy Birthday, Kurt!

I thought Kurt should eat his piece of birthday cake, along with his 8 friends, on a "special" plate! Ha ha ha, I know I am a mean Mom. When I went to serve the cake, I saw there were not enough normal plates, so I just couldn't control myself.

Kurt took it as good fun and his friends had a laugh too. To think my girls used to fight over who would eat off of this Disney Princess plate. They fought so often, I had to buy a second one!

Here is my standard entry for cake baking. The magic One Bowl Chocolate Cake with a Mocha twist. Nothing too earth shattering, but is seems to continue to get compliments no matter if its square; round, one layer or two.

We LOVE you Kurt and wish you every happiness this year will bring!

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